Back to the Club Day

Let's celebrate the beginning of fall! Enjoy events throughout the day and a special Happy Hour! Plus, invite a Guest to the Club with our compliments.

September Fresh Start
The beginning of September can feel like more of a new year than January. Many of us are currently managing changes in schedules, commitments, expectations, and the weather. Some are even...
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DIY Summer Party Survival Kit
Summer: Bright and flirtatious, hot and intoxicating, love it or leave it, it is fully upon us. As work and family commitments ebb and flow, it can be the perfect time to try on new sun...
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Thin is not Better
“Thin” is a word. An adjective used to describe something – or someone – whose sides are relatively close together. Whose circumference and mass are – relatively...
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Changing Your Diet? Big Picture, Small Steps.
As humans we’re built to keep trying to improve ourselves: Striving for promotions, faster running times, better listening skills… This often crops up in our nutrition. At any...
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Change: One Step at a Time
Sometimes, at this particular time of year, we spend a little more time thinking about what we’d like to change or improve. About ourselves. About our lives. This can be an extremely...
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DIY Party Survival Kit 2023
December comes with its very own delicious challenges and opportunities. From where we stand, there is typically an increase in: alcohol, calories, spending, late nights. Accompanied by a decrease...
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Fall into your New Resolutions
September always feels more like a new year to me than January. The cool thing about the Summer to Fall transition, is – for many of us – it’s laced with lots of changes:...
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