Exercise for Results
Earlier this month, we explored how deciding that everything counts can be a powerful mindset shift in supporting a lifelong commitment to movement and exercise. Exercise adherence is tough. We...
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You DO have enough time to exercise
Having trouble fitting in your workouts? Is it suddenly bedtime and you realize you never lifted the weights or went for the run you’d intended? Don’t blame it on lack of...
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What is Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)?

FST is a full body mobility restoration system aimed at improving joint function and range of motion (ROM) by reducing muscle and neuro-myofascial tension. 

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Gaining Inches
Our Team is loaded with remarkable Personal Trainers. One of the things we’re fabulous at is helping people lose inches. This requires some really powerful teamwork between trainer and...
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Fall into your New Resolutions
September always feels more like a new year to me than January. The cool thing about the Summer to Fall transition, is – for many of us – it’s laced with lots of changes:...
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Train to become a CGoC Pentathlete
While the pentathlon has been around for an exceptionally long time – what we’re proposing is a totally different beast: One that can be altered to suit absolutely anyone. One designed...
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Aerobic AND Strength Training for Life
To lift or to run, that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler for the body to suffer the weight of iron and cables, or to drive arms and legs against the sea and pavement. Need we place them...
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Exercising when the air quality is poor
Exercising outside offers so many unique benefits. A positive boost to your mood being particularly salient these days. But how can we weigh the mental, emotional, and physical health...
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