September Fresh Start
The beginning of September can feel like more of a new year than January. Many of us are currently managing changes in schedules, commitments, expectations, and the weather. Some are even...
No Time to Lift? We have SO MANY solutions!
Strength Training is SO GOOD for us. It reduces wear and tear on the joints, improves running, cycling, and golf, boosts metabolism and mood, increases health span and range of motion, boosts...
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Sleep may be MORE important as we age
There remains a misconception that we need less sleep as we age. While sleep challenges become far more prevalent in older adults, the overall need for sleep is still the same: 7-9 hours per night.
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Women need to LIFT. Especially as we age.
The Globe and Mail recently published a terrific article on the importance of lifting weights for women who are experiencing perimenopause and menopause. It’s such a vital topic, we felt...
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I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude these days. “I must have written about this topic before…” I mused this morning. Sure enough, I uncovered a post from April 2020....
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Your smart watch isn't always so smart
I love smart watches. From my first Garmin to my current Apple Watch, I often find the tracking and data push me – inspire me? – to do just a little bit more. Run one extra kilometer,...
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Interval Training Impacts Health Span
There’s lots of interesting advice these days on how to live longer. I’m far more interested in how to live better. A recent paper cites that while life expectancy has increased...
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Move Fast, Don't Rush
Picture Andre De Grasse during the men’s 200m semifinals at the 2016 Olympics. As he crosses the finish line, legs pounding, churning with unbelievable power and speed, he turns and smiles...
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Thin is not Better
“Thin” is a word. An adjective used to describe something – or someone – whose sides are relatively close together. Whose circumference and mass are – relatively...
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